Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Please sign up to walk!

Total Donations : $4,572

Welcome to DC Stop Modern Slavery Walk

On October 23, 2010, thousands of people will gather on the National Mall for the DC Stop Modern Slavery Walk, a united effort to celebrate human rights, raise awareness about human trafficking, and raise funds for organizations working to end human trafficking.

It’s One day, One place, and One Voice for the Voiceless!

This event will include:
  • A 3.1 mile walk

  • Information fair

  • Luminary speakers

  • Live music

  • A shorter family walk

  • A family-friendly area

It will be the largest anti-human trafficking event in DC history! Join us to help build a better world and bring light to an issue that thrives in darkness.

This event is organized entirely by community volunteers. No one on the organizing team is paid. 100% of money raised will go to organizations that combat human trafficking and care for victims.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

States Take Action to Stop Trafficking
